How to Make a Potion of Haste in Minecraft | CitizenSide (2025)

Choosing the Ingredients

When it comes to making a Potion of Haste in Minecraft, selecting the right ingredients is crucial. You’ll need to gather a few key items to create the perfect potion. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

  • One Blaze Rod: Blaze rods are obtained by defeating blazes, which can be found in Nether fortresses. Blaze rods are used to create blaze powder, a vital ingredient in brewing potions.
  • One Nether Wart: Nether warts are naturally found in Nether fortresses or can be grown in Soul Sand using Nether Wart Seeds. These seeds can be acquired by killing Wither Skeletons or looting Nether fortress chests.
  • Golden Carrots: Golden carrots are crafted using carrots and gold nuggets. They can be found in villages or obtained by killing Zombie Pigmen in the Nether. Golden carrots are used to add the Haste effect to the potion.

Once you have gathered these ingredients, you are ready to proceed to the next steps in brewing your Potion of Haste.

Gathering Blaze Powder

Now that you have chosen your ingredients, the next step is to gather the essential blaze powder. Blaze powder is a vital component in brewing potions, including the Potion of Haste. Here’s how you can obtain it:

  1. Find a Nether fortress: Blaze rods, which are used to create blaze powder, can only be obtained by defeating blazes. Blazes can be found in Nether fortresses, so you’ll need to make your way there.
  2. Prepare for battle: Nether fortresses are inhabited by dangerous mobs, so it’s important to gear up before entering. Make sure to bring weapons, armor, and any other supplies you may need for the fight.
  3. Locate blazes: Once inside the Nether fortress, keep an eye out for blazes. These fiery creatures spawn near spawners and will attack if provoked. Use caution and apply your combat skills to defeat them.
  4. Collect blaze rods: After defeating a blaze, it will drop a blaze rod. Collect as many blaze rods as you can because you’ll need them to create blaze powder.
  5. Craft blaze powder: To convert blaze rods into blaze powder, place the rods in the crafting table. Each rod will yield two blaze powders, so make sure to craft enough for your brewing needs.

Once you have gathered enough blaze powder, you are ready to move on to the next step in the brewing process: obtaining a brewing stand.

Obtaining a Brewing Stand

In order to brew your Potion of Haste, you’ll need a brewing stand. This essential tool allows you to combine ingredients and create potions. Here’s how you can obtain one:

  1. Gather the necessary materials: To craft a brewing stand, you’ll need three cobblestone blocks and one blaze rod. Cobblestone is a common material found in the Overworld, while blaze rods can be obtained by defeating blazes in Nether fortresses.
  2. Create a brewing stand: Once you have the required materials, open your crafting table and arrange the three cobblestone blocks in the bottom row, leaving the middle square empty. Place the blaze rod in the center square to complete the crafting recipe. This will yield a brewing stand.
  3. Place the brewing stand: Now that you have your brewing stand, you’ll need to find a suitable location to set it up. Choose an area where you have easy access to the necessary ingredients and water source.
  4. Add Blaze Powder: Before you can start brewing, you’ll need to fuel the brewing stand with blaze powder. Right-click on the brewing stand and place a blaze powder in the fuel slot. This will power the brewing stand and allow you to begin the brewing process.

Once you have obtained and fueled your brewing stand, you’re ready to proceed with crafting the Awkward Potion, the next step in creating the Potion of Haste.

Crafting the Awkward Potion

In order to brew a Potion of Haste in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft an Awkward Potion. This serves as the base for creating various other potions. Here’s how you can craft an Awkward Potion:

  1. Fill the glass bottles: To start the brewing process, fill three glass bottles with water. Glass bottles can be created by smelting three blocks of sand in a furnace or by finding them in various generated structures.
  2. Place the water bottles in the brewing stand: Right-click on the brewing stand to open its interface. Then, place the three water bottles in the bottom three slots of the brewing stand.
  3. Add Nether Wart: To create an Awkward Potion, you’ll need to add Nether Wart to the brewing stand. Place one Nether Wart in the top slot of the brewing stand. The brewing process will begin, and you will see bubbling particles indicating that the Nether Wart is being brewed.
  4. Wait for the brewing process to complete: The brewing process takes time, so be patient. Once the brewing process is finished, the Awkward Potion will appear in the top slot of the brewing stand.
  5. Collect the Awkward Potion: Finally, right-click on the brewing stand to collect the Awkward Potion. You now have the base potion required for creating the Potion of Haste.

With the Awkward Potion in hand, you’re ready to move on to the final step: brewing the Potion of Haste.

Brewing the Potion of Haste

Now that you have crafted the Awkward Potion, it’s time to brew the coveted Potion of Haste. Follow these steps to complete the brewing process:

  1. Open the brewing stand interface: Right-click on the brewing stand to open its interface.
  2. Place the Awkward Potion in the ingredient slot: Take the Awkward Potion you crafted earlier and place it in the ingredient slot of the brewing stand. The Awkward Potion will now serve as the base for brewing the Potion of Haste.
  3. Add the Golden Carrots: To add the Haste effect to the potion, you’ll need to add Golden Carrots to the brewing stand. Place one or more Golden Carrots in the top slot of the brewing stand. Each Golden Carrot will add 20 seconds of Haste effect to the potion.
  4. Wait for the brewing process to complete: Just like brewing the Awkward Potion, the brewing process for the Potion of Haste requires time. As the ingredients combine, the brewing stand will emit particle effects. Be patient and allow the process to finish.
  5. Collect your Potion of Haste: Once the brewing process is complete, the Potion of Haste will appear in the result slot of the brewing stand. Right-click on the brewing stand to collect your freshly brewed Potion of Haste.

Congratulations! You have successfully brewed a Potion of Haste. Use it wisely to gain increased speed and efficiency in your Minecraft adventures.

How to Make a Potion of Haste in Minecraft | CitizenSide (2025)
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